Gateway Programme
Mon, 24 Jul
|Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre
This preparation placement provides students with the opportunity to train in an outdoor environment in preparation for work in the outdoors as a Ranger or Outdoor Leader.

Time & Location
24 Jul 2023, 9:00 am – 28 Jul 2023, 3:00 pm
Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre, Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre Magdalen Valley Road, Poplars Range, New Zealand
About The Event
The Boyle Gateway work placement consists of four parts:
Part 1 A Health and Safety Course; a First Aid Course; and undertaking some research prior to participating in Part 2. Part 1 is a pre-requisite for attending the rest of the course.
Part 2 The preparation week at the Boyle (36 hours minimum). See below for details.
Part 3 A work placement week at the Boyle either as a Trainee Leader or as a Trainee Ranger
(36 hours minimum)
Part 4 Writing a report about the work placement.
Duration: 25th - 29th July 2022 (Mon 10am to Fri 1pm approx)
Cost: Part 1: Costs relevant but organized by Gateway Coordinator
Part 2: $733.00 including GST payable to the North Canterbury Alpine Trust
Part 3: $499.00 including GST payable to the North Canterbury Alpine Trust
Part 4: No cost assciated
Costs include: High quality facilitation, assessment and moderation, administration, course materials, specialist equipment, food, kitchen staff, travel to & from Christchurch, accommodation, supervision, links to industry.
Not included: Registration / hook-on fees with NZQA
Cost incurred in sending someone home
Loss or damage to equipment or facilities.
Payment: Payment is due when confirming places on the course. Payment can be made by electronic payment to the North Canterbury Alpine Trust account. The details are on the invoice. We are unable to refund last minute cancellations.
Transportation: Transport is provided to the Boyle from Christchurch, or points on that bus route. Students will travel by minibus. Details of travel arrangements will be sent direct to the student near to the course date.
Withdrawal: If a student withdraws from the course within 14 days of the start date, or is sent home once it has commenced, the full cost is payable plus the cost of the journey home. Places cannot be cancelled within 14 days of the start of the course. The school will be invoiced to recover any costs incurred.
Food and Catering: Food is catered for. Students are required to assist the cook in the preparation of meals, the cleaning and washing up and other duties associated with the meal-time.
Clothing & Equipment: A ‘Gear List’ of required clothing and equipment is attached. Each student must be provided with a copy by the school. The Boyle has an extensive store of clothing and equipment, which can be borrowed by the students.
Assessment: Assessment for unit standards is through a MOU with Skills Active and NZQA results are reported by the school under a Sub-Contracting agreement using their provider code and consent to assess. Results are sent by the Boyle to the GATEWAY coordinator at the school of the attending students. The school reports the student results. For more information of a sub-contracting agreement template please call Nick at the Boyle.
Emergency Contacts: The emergency contact person at the Boyle will be the Manager 03 315 7082.
An emergency contact name and number at home must be provided for the student on the Enrolment Form. The school liaison teacher will collect and forward the completed Enrolment Forms to the Boyle as soon as possible along with any other information about diet, behaviour, medical or psychological issues that may affect their care while on camp.
Outcomes at the Boyle: This preparation placement provides students with the opportunity to train in an outdoor environment in preparation for work in the outdoors as a Ranger or Outdoor Leader. It covers PART 2 of the Gateway work placement at the Boyle. The expected outcomes are for the students to:
• develop communication and team work skills
• develop self-confidence, initiative and self-reliance
• learn outdoor skills in a variety of activities
• enjoy a residential experience that encourages independence and a chance to mix with
students from other schools
• be better informed of the Outdoor Instructor’s and Ranger’s world of work and career
pathways into the outdoors
• have an opportunity to gain the following Unit Standards:
Standard & version Title Level Credits
3491v6 Write a report 3 4
3490v6 Complete an incident report 1 2
1312v6 Give oral instructions in the workplace 3 3
20159v2 Gather and apply weather information to an outdoor recreation activity 2 2
4573v6 Communicate in the outdoors using a two-way radio 2 1
10780v4 Complete a work experience placement 2 3
They will also complete training towards other units required for the relevant National Certificates such as: Navigation, Outdoor First Aid and Leadership
Instruction/Facilitation: This will be provided by a team of qualified and experienced instructors who are employed by the Boyle once they have proven that they meet ‘the Boyle standard.’ Each January they participate in six days of in-house training and development. Police checks have been undertaken.
Supervision: Supervision is provided by the Boyle Staff. During the day students will be supervised by instructional staff whilst doing activities. During the evening supervision staff will manage meal times and evening activities, supported by the instruction staff. Supervision staff are accommodated in the Lodge to be on call for any problems during the night. Students are required to follow the instructions given by all staff.
Code of conduct: Students are expected to abide by the standard school rules and regulations for the duration of the course. Alcohol and drugs, including cigarettes, are a safety risk and are definitely banned from the Boyle.
Sleep is an important component of a safe course. A tired body or brain is potentially dangerous. All students will be expected to respect the needs of others and be quiet between 10pm and 7am.
Students have the opportunity as part of a group to establish a contract for group behaviour, deciding how they want to work together for the duration of the course. This will be recorded in their journal as the ‘Contract’.
For the safety of all, students must follow all instructions given by the Boyle Staff.
Risk Disclosure: Because the course is about working in the outdoors, there is some risk associated with the environment and some activities. The risk provides for positive outcomes, but there is also the possibility that some harm could befall a student. Managing risk is crucial to the quality of the Boyle experience and Boyle Staff are experienced in this. Students are expected to take part in the process of risk management and be actively involved and responsible for the safety of themselves and others. The Boyle Staff will implement the Boyle Safety Operation Plans and Risk Management systems during the course.